InterpolatorS for Android: new version uploaded

A new version of InterpolatorS for Android was uploaded to Google Play today!

The update allows users to choose their desired screen orientation and save that preference in settings.

The older version was set to portrait orientation only and upon request from several users this additional setting has been added, and the various screens have been modified to accommodate both landscape and portrait orientation, with the 2D, 3D and About tabs fitted with a scroll view because on some smaller devices (such as for example the Galaxy S) screen real estate is very limited.

In earlier updates the option to set the number of decimals was already implemented, accessible in the settings screen.

Herewith some screen shots of the latest version, which will be available for download within the next few hours (as of 23rd October 0900 GMT):

settings screen in landscape mode

settings screen in landscape mode

settings screen in portrait orientation

settings screen in portrait orientation

The latest version will be available for download here (Just wait a few hours for Google Play to update the Play Store with the latest version) :

Interpolator can also be downloaded at the Opera Mobile store: Opera Mobile Store

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