The updated user manual for CargoSurveyor Tools for iPhone is now available for download!

We have updated the user manual for CargoSurveyor Tools to match the contents and capabilities available in version 1.7.3.

The manual can be downloaded using this link:

 CargoSurveyor Tools user manual version 1.7.3 2023

Alternatively, the link can be found on this page:

User manuals for Oil Calculators and other apps

CargoSurveyor Tools for iPhone can be downloaded here.

Exciting News! CargoSurveyor Tools 1.7.2 for iOS Got a Boost with New Modules & Features:

Get ready for an improved experience with the latest updates to CargoSurveyor Tools for iOS! Our dedicated team has been working tirelessly to bring you new modules and features that will enhance your overall experience and boost customer satisfaction.

CargoSurveyor Tools for iOS is a comprehensive tool for cargo and bunker surveyors, loss control superintendents and other oil industry professionals. It replaces the need for laptop, hard copy ASTM tables and company forms and can perform various cargo surveys and produce reports, including ullage reports, transfer summaries, bunker survey reports, statements of facts, VEF reports, slop reports, sampling reports, preloading reports, OBQ and ROB reports, time sheets, and ship particulars.

The new Transfer Summary module

Reports can be emailed as a pdf attachment or saved as png files, with file sharing enabled. It supports both SI Metric and Imperial units, can calculate weights and volumes for crude oil, products, lubrication oils, and special applications, and has a configurable wedge calculator for OBQ/ROB calculations.

The user can import a company logo and enter default email addresses, and choose calculation and report settings. Reports can be saved with a custom name and copied as a template for future projects.

We have added a module “Record of Hatch and Valve Seals”, allowing you to quickly create a list of all seals used for valves and hatches in just minutes. You can track up to 200 seals and their status for a vessel with ease, making it a game-changer for clients requiring sealing guarantees.

We’ve also added a “Record of Discharge Agreements” module, perfect for situations where terminals require a specific discharge sequence. This module can serve as a binding instruction for vessels; this concept is used by many oil terminals globally.

The new “Record of Heating Coil Testing” module makes it effortless to keep track of heating coils and their performance.

The Transfer Summary module got a major overhaul, with reports tailored to your operation criteria – loading or discharging, crude oil or other oil, and terminal or ship-to-ship. The user can specify the desired units to calculate and print, including GSV, MTVac, MTAir, LTons, Bbls, Gallons. The interface now includes additional fields for outturn figures, ship load port figures for discharging operations as well as fields for BSW when handling Crude Oil.

In the report a comparison is made between Bill of Lading and quantity loaded or discharged, Bill of Lading and Outturn, figures with and without VEF, and a comparison between Gross and Nett, in case the cargo is Crude Oil. In case of Crude Oil, BSW for BL, Ship Loaded and Outturn can be specified in the module. Also outturn figures and ship load port figures (in case of a discharge operation) can be specified. For creating the Certificate of Quantity, the user can choose either BL, ship figures or outturn figures.

In the Ship Particulars Report, we’ve added a new feature that allows you to add an image selected by the user to the Report: The particulars report now has a custom image on the first page. This image can be selected from the phone’s gallery when viewing the pdf file, and it will be printed at the top of the first page. In order to be able to do this, the user simply needs to download an image from a web browser, or from an email etc. You can now also add your own items in this report, so you’re not limited to the initial list of entries.

Both the Time Sheet Report and the Ship Particulars Report now have automatic line formatting, allowing for long lines of text to be entered without any issue.

Many modules have been updated for improved performance and / or for better visualisation, and to ensure optimal compatibility with iOS 16.2.

Overall, these updates are designed to make your life easier and help you stay on top of important information. We’re excited for you to try them out and see how they can benefit you and your business.

In our next blog post we will elaborate on the latest features and changes that have been made to the various modules. Keep an eye out for more updates and features in the future!

For our Android users: please bear with us, as we don’t have enough resources to update both versions at the same time. An updated Android version will be available as soon as we have completed the Android update.

CargoSurveyor for iPhone can be downloaded here.

We should like to advise everyone who has downloaded the app in the past to update as soon as possible to ensure a flawless CargoSurveyor experience.