InterpolatorS for Android: new version released

A new version of InterpolatorS for Android was released on Google Play yesterday!

The update of InterpolatorS :

– Fixes a bug in the 2D and 3D tab where the keyboard is not showing in landscape.

– Adds language support for: Chinese, Russian, French, Italian, Dutch, Korean, Bahasa Indonesia. For suggestions regarding other languages, please leave a comment below.

– Automatically sets the app language to the phone’s system language if it is one of the supported languages, otherwise uses English as a default.

– Fixes a bug where the comma sign was not recognized as a decimal separator for certain languages.

Screenshots of the updated version:


In earlier updates the option to set the number of decimals was already implemented, accessible in the settings screen. Extra digits precision is especially handy for smaller numbers:

2D interpolator

2D interpolator

Tip: you can use the interpolator also as an extrapolator (both the 2D and the 3D version):

Using as extrapolator

Using as extrapolator

The latest version is available for free download here :


InterpolatorS for Android: new version uploaded

A new version of InterpolatorS for Android was uploaded to Google Play today!

The update of InterpolatorS extends the number of digits precision that can be used.

The older version had a maximum of 4 digits precision, now a maximum of nine digits can be set using the settings screen:

Settings screen

Settings screen

In earlier updates the option to set the number of decimals was already implemented, accessible in the settings screen. Extra digits precision is especially handy for smaller numbers:

2D interpolator

2D interpolator

Tip: you can use the interpolator also as an extrapolator (both the 2D and the 3D version):

Using as extrapolator

Using as extrapolator

The latest version is available for free download here :


Interpolator for iPhone and Android: tutorial

Recently new updates were released both for InterpolatorS for Android and Interpolator for iPhone.

The most important change was the addition of the settings screen in which users can set the number of decimals to use when calculating the interpolation.

The app contains two modes of operation, 2D mode and 3D mode, and because especially the 3D mode requires a bit of practice to be able to put it to use fully, I have decided to post a tutorial about the Interpolator to enable users to utilize the capabilities to the fullest.

OK, let’s get started with the tutorial for Interpolator(S) for Android and iPhone!…

First of all, in the app there are three distinct screens:

– 2D: for interpolating in tables simply between two entries and their corresponding values

– 3D: for interpolating in tables using both a horizontal and a vertical interpolation at the same time

– Settings: for choosing the desired number of decimals used when displaying the result:

Added settings screen

Added settings screen

Lastly, in the 2D screen, there is an info button, which when touched, brings the user to the about screen, from where the user has access to our twitter page, facebook page and this website:

info button on 2D screen

info button on 2D screen

About MMC screen

About MMC screen

So how do we use the 2D and the 3D screen: lets put the app to work with some real life examples!

In the herewith attached picture (ullage table) an excerpt of a ship’s ullage table is show (in this case for a bunker fuel tank). For those of us not familiar with oil tanks on ships, allow me to briefly explain:

The ullage table is a book that shows for the various tanks on board a ship the relation between the measured level of liquid in the tank and the actual volume of liquid contained in the tank.

ullage table for fuel tank

ullage table for fuel tank

In the attached screenshot you can see 9 columns, starting on the left with a column called “sound depth CM”, followed by a column called “Trim by head 1.0 M” and a column called “even keel 0.0 M”. At the right hand side of the page, there is a column called “ullage depth CM”.

The columns on the far left and right represent the height of level in the tank, measured from the bottom (sounding) and measured from the top (ullage) respectively. The other columns all represent the volume in the tank (in M3) corresponding to the sounding or ullage at a certain trim. (Trim is defined as the difference between draft forward and draft aft of a ship).

We use the 2D screen to interpolate a volume when the trim is zero, in other words when draft forward and aft are equal.

In the above screenshot if we look at the left hand side, at soundings 300 and 305 cm, we see that inside the red square the volumes are listed as 167.0 and 169.0 M3. Let us assume that we have a sounding of 301.6 cm, what is then the corresponding volume?

Entering the values as required will give us a volume of 167.6400 M3 as can be seen in the screenshot below:

2D interpolation

2D interpolation

The result is shown as 167.6400 because I had selected a precision of 4 decimals. Obviously this calculation can also easily be done using a calculator although the fact that the user can choose the number of decimals to choose in the app is quite convenient.

Now let us move on to the 3D mode:

Referring to the screenshot of ullage table above, if we look at the intersecting area of the green and the yellow rectangle, we can see that for the same soundings of 300 and 305 cm, there are now 2 volume values for each sounding, and they differ as a result of the trim of the ship.

Assuming that the ship has a trim of 1.3 meters, and the sounding is again 301.6 cm, the result of the interpolation as shown in the below screenshot is 167.372 (note that this time I have selected a precision of 3 decimals in “settings”):

using 3D interpolation

using 3D interpolation

If you are unsure where to put each value, the various text fields offer clues as to which values put where; for example the hint in the top left field shows “ColActual” when nothing has been entered, and the two fields next to it show “Column1” and “Column2”.

Likewise in the 2nd field on the left side, the hint shows “Row1”, with the two fields next to it showing “ValC1R1” and “ValC2R1” etc:

ColActual       Column1    Column2

Row1                ValC1R1    ValC2R1

Row2               ValC1R2     ValC2R2


You may have noticed in the 3D screen that there is also a picture which shows an example of sorts of how to use this.

Hopefully after having read the above tutorial, things are a bit more clear! Please do not hesitate to leave any comments here, or post / email me any questions.

download in the appstoreThe new version of Interpolator for iPhone can be downloaded in the Appstore.


Interpolator for iPhone: new version available in the Appstore

As of today, a new version of Interpolator for the iPhone is available in the Appstore.

The new version contains a settings page where the user can choose the preferred number of decimals to use in calculations. The user can choose any value between zero and four decimals.

Also the necessary icons for iOS 7 have been added to this new version of Interpolator for iPhone.

The next update will be a fully iOS 7 compatible app and as such the current version (1.0.2) will be the last version which will run on iOS 6 devices.

(Please note however that even when the new iOS 7 compatible version comes out, iOS 6 users will still be able to download the iOS 6 version since Apple keeps copies of older versions around in order to suit older devices).

2-D interpolator screen

2-D interpolator screen

3D interpolator screen

3D interpolator screen

About MMC screen

About MMC screen

Added settings screen

Added settings screen

Please watch this space for more info, as a tutorial on how to use the Interpolator is on its way to be published here shortly!

download in the appstoreThe new version of Interpolator for iPhone can be downloaded in the Appstore here:

InterpolatorS for Android: new version uploaded

A new version of InterpolatorS for Android was uploaded to Google Play today!

The update allows users to choose their desired screen orientation and save that preference in settings.

The older version was set to portrait orientation only and upon request from several users this additional setting has been added, and the various screens have been modified to accommodate both landscape and portrait orientation, with the 2D, 3D and About tabs fitted with a scroll view because on some smaller devices (such as for example the Galaxy S) screen real estate is very limited.

In earlier updates the option to set the number of decimals was already implemented, accessible in the settings screen.

Herewith some screen shots of the latest version, which will be available for download within the next few hours (as of 23rd October 0900 GMT):

settings screen in landscape mode

settings screen in landscape mode

settings screen in portrait orientation

settings screen in portrait orientation

The latest version will be available for download here (Just wait a few hours for Google Play to update the Play Store with the latest version) :

Interpolator can also be downloaded at the Opera Mobile store: Opera Mobile Store

Interpolator for iPhone version 1.0.1 is out!

The Interpolator for iPhone version 1.0.1 is out!

Interpolator for iPhone updated version is now available for download in the appstore HERE.

The new version of Interpolator has added a “Clear” button to both tabs, to clear all values.

Also the “About” screen has been fitted with buttons that link directly to the developer’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

The same Interpolator (called “InterpolatorS”  is also available for download (Totally Free!) at Google Play HERE.

In a future post I will show an example how to use the 3D tab for interpolating in tables.


Interpolator for iPhone

About screen

Interpolator for iPhone

2D tab

Interpolator for iPhone

2D tab cleared

Interpolator for iPhone

3D tab

Interpolator for iPhone

3D tab cleared


Interpolator can also be downloaded at the Opera Mobile store: Opera Mobile Store